Diamond Sparkle Two
You can use any large/open font.
I have included this one for you along with other needed things in this zip.
Add your name and make it as big as you like. Make this tag the size you want.
It loses something if you shrink the size later.
Use the magic wand and select the inside of the
Click the auto add as shown or hold the ctrl button down as you click.
You need to expand the selection 1 pixel
Selections/expand/1 pixel. Keep the marquee active through the tutorial.
If needed, add and/or click on the layer under
the font layer.
In PSP 8 you can select a diagonal rod paint brush.
Hardness 100% - make it large enough to cover each letter.
Paint a diagonal line as shown. Cover an area
as shown on each letter.
I added a red background so you could see the
effect. You do not need to do this.
Open the enclosed diamond psp file. Separate the layers of the psp file to use
them as fills.
Add a layer under the white layer. Duplicate to
a total of three layers.
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