Designer Tag 24
A 60's Style tag.

Here is the zip file with the ActionsIs Font
and the Bevel blade pro preset.
I uploaded some of the girl tubes to the tube section above.
Remember, you don't have to install the font to use it, just double click it
to open then click on the text tool in PSP. The font will be there.
Windows gets upset if you have too many fonts installed. How many is too many?
I have about 300 installed. And over 4,000 on my computer.
Open a large transparent image.
Add your name, floating text, white fill

This is the setting I have for my brush.

Add spots of color to your name.

The marquee should still be around the text.
Open the layer palette. ADD A LAYER
Keep it on top of the name layer.

You should see something like this with this
If not click cancel, Selections/Invert selection and try again.
You should see no color. Fill interior is NOT checked.

This gives a nice start on a bevel.
Merge visible layers.
If you want a heaver bevel, open blade pro and apply
the Shiny Bevel included in the zip file. (I did)

Add a girl and position in place.
As you can see I didn't like how long the first line was,
so I surrounded the BY with the selection tool, clicked on it,
and moved it to a position I liked better.

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