Transparent Gifs 2

When you have the Antialias checked, the effect gives a
smooth look.
Antialias gives varying shades in varying opacity. When applying transparency
(gif effect)
these shades pick up the background color you choose to be the transparent
Whew! What the heck did I just say?!
When you save a gif, you must pick a background color on the color palette
to match the color of 'paper' you will be using the gif on.
Notice the gifs below.
This first one was save
with black as the background color. You can see the
spots when used on white or pink 'paper' but black
looks good. Because it was saved with a black
background, the varying pixels took on the black

This gif was saved with a white
It look bad on black, ok on pink, good on white.
You need to know the background color of the paper you
will use. To be sure there will be no pixels showing...
save your gifs in psp format so you can save with the
background color you will use the gif with. I save mine
with a white background, and as a psp. If I need something
other that white then I save the gif as needed. It's a
little more work but Detail makes a Designer Tag.
In playing around with this tutorial I found that
you can do it easier too!
Start with your name

Add a layer, drag the new layer under your name layer
fill the bottom layer with the same color. Click on the name layer.
Click on the selection tool, surround the name, even though you can't see it,
Start at one corner and drag the selection to the opposite diagonal corner,
click ON the name to select it. As shown.
Merge visible layers. CTRL C -- CTRL V
To copy and paste.

When saved with the font color as the background color
it looks good on all colors.